Chahat Agrawal

Chahat Agrawal is a Poet and a storyteller. She veils emotions and sews metaphors into her words. Architecture and literature are her academic roots. Her writing includes Passion, Poetry, and Perplexity. Throughout her work, she balances creativity and technical skills with a deep understanding of form and space relationships. Her vision involves designing buildings with crisis and resolution to spark introspection.

5 Important Retreat Centres in India

5 Important Retreat Centres in India

“The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.”                                                                                                         —Norman Vincent Peale People often attempt to make their inner selves happy. It is unusual to think that their lives should be meaningful as they are afraid of meaninglessness. People fret about the ‘nihilism’ of this or that aspect

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