Overcoming a Creative Block and its Impact on Mental Health

creative block


How frequently do you feel unsure of what to do? Do you have prolonged periods of inaction and inspiration? Do you experience feelings of worthlessness when you don’t do anything while having all you need to succeed? Does the concept of new thoughts and ideas make you feel overwhelmed to the point where you begin to put off doing something?

We do suffer from obstacles, and this is normal. It’s possible to free yourself from this situation. You have, after all, read about it before. The internet has already been quite effective in reinforcing our conviction that the new age has resulted in a variety of mental health concerns in people that have never before existed in history. This post will concentrate on how a creative block affects mental health and vice versa.

What is a Creative Block?

The inability to reach one’s inner creativity might be referred to as creative obstacles or inspiration barriers. Artists, Architects, Writers, and inventors are frequently more susceptible to experiencing creative blocks, which can linger for days, weeks, months, or even years.

What is a Creative Block?
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Although they can be challenging, creative blocks are not insurmountable. Coming up with a fresh idea and being able to carry it out exactly how you want to is not as simple as it may appear. Your inner creativity is impacted by a variety of internal and external variables. As an illustration, you might be browsing for inspiration on Pinterest when your mind wanders to a completely unrelated thought that is contrary to what you were seeking.

Why Do Individuals Think They Lack Creativity?

When was the last time you claimed not to be creative? Why do you believe that? What exactly was happening around you? 

Some of us are hesitant to begin writing, and others are hesitant to produce new works of art. We start questioning our capabilities before moving forward with a fresh concept. You’re concerned that you lack talent. You worry that you’ll be disregarded or criticised. You worry that everyone else accomplished it more effectively.

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I once held back from purchasing Procreate because I was worried that I wouldn’t use it enough and would never be able to create digital art. I was so intimidated by the writing abilities that I was even terrified to begin. It was outside of my comfort zone, and I was worried I would fail. 

Nobody desires failure. We don’t feel good about it, and it makes us feel bad about ourselves. It is an endless loop that cannot be ended unless we make a sincere effort to do so. The joy you experience when an idea you’ve been trying to manifest for a while finally does is real. The difficulties you face putting your concept into practice are genuine, too. And because you’ve put your heart and soul into it, the outcome is crucial.

What Mental Benefits Does Creativity Offer Us?

Positive scientific evidence supporting the advantages of creativity for mental health is still emerging. Creative endeavours, from dancing to designing, help us see the world from new and fresh perspectives. We can solve issues, produce beautiful art, and rejuvenate our bodies and brains through creativity. Fun has a beneficial effect on our mental health, we didn’t give our actions a second thought when we were young. 

Ideas just come to children spontaneously because they have such a clean mind. They can draw ideas from nature because they can study their environment with an open mind. The world shapes our minds in a certain way as we mature. It demonstrates to us what matters in life. It demonstrates the negativity in our environment. Our minds begin to become obstructed when we lose the initial pure form of imagination that we previously possessed. 

positive psychology
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Our inner potential is unleashed through creativity. Spending time on creative objectives during the day is connected with higher positive affect, according to the Journal of Positive Psychology. We can enter a flow state through creativity, where we are fully present and attentive to work or activity. It may feel euphoric while we are in the zone, and we become calmer and more aware of our surroundings. We can feel happier and more accomplished when we are in the flow state of creativity.

Is There Such a Thing as a Creative Block?

Some people think that the barrier is only in the mind, which is true because there is no physical evidence of it. But it doesn’t mean that the issue isn’t significant.  It can become extremely real if you let it. However, it might also disappear in a moment of clarity. It is one of those things that keeps you from progressing and leaves you feeling stuck in one place. The inability to be creative can also be caused by problems like depression, anxiety, and past trauma. 

Your inner demons and subconscious mind may start interfering when you are determined to take action to improve your situation. Different internal levels of stress and anxiety are linked to all mental health problems.

What Impact Might a Creative Block Have on your Mental Health?

Even the best writers occasionally experience writer’s block; similarly, gifted painters feel unable to pick up a brush; and unique musicians keep playing the same compositions. Even those who regard themselves to be naturally creative might experience burnout: It’s common for your creativity to fluctuate, especially when it depends on things like your stress level, how well you sleep, and other things going on in your life.

Sometimes we stop digging after accepting the block. This is harmful since we won’t address the source of our worry, which will make it impossible for us to overcome our phobia. We give our concerns a lot more power than they deserve because we genuinely believe them. We start behaving in a particular way, which makes us feel more trapped since these situations then negatively impact us and accumulate in our minds.

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Every single person has access to this tool known as the “Mind,” which they can use to think. I believe that because people are competing with one another to advance through time, they have forgotten the fundamentals of how the mind functions. You can improve your life and make it the way you want it to be. It might give you the drive to go through a crisis and emerge stronger and more upbeat than before.

How to Get Past a Creative Block?

There is an effect for every cause. It is a universal rule. A person may be affected in various ways by various things, including their current life circumstances or just having a terrible day. There are various short-term solutions, such as changing your workspace right away, going for a stroll, drinking coffee for an adrenaline surge, searching the internet for ideas, or taking a nap. You will experience a brief rush using any of these techniques. 

Finding a long-term solution to this is crucial, and you can only do so by looking deeply within yourself and realising your strengths and weaknesses. You can always use your strengths to try out new things and succeed. You need to know yourself better and your capabilities. 

Most of us become unproductive after a while. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear,” approaches creativity from a straightforward yet unique angle. In the book, she discusses her creative process. She accepts that her love of writing and her fear can coexist. Although most of Gilbert’s concepts are basic logic, the manner she presents them leaves you with a lasting impression. I strongly recommend you give it a read.

big magic
Photo from SeeKen

Author: Elizabeth Gilbert

Download Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at Audible

Buy Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at Amazon

As she writes in the book:

Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred.

What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all.

We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits.

We are terrified, and we are brave.

Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege.

Only when we are at our most playful can divinity finally get serious with us.

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