Mansi Parsana

Mansi, interested in architecture, art, and writing, focuses on research and root causes to find a solution. Mansi enjoys new experiences and inquiry through writing and researching. Her ideas and passion paved the way for further exploration and provided possibilities for learning and growth.

Alluring Mediterranean Architecture: Regional Vernacular Architecture

Alluring Mediterranean Architecture

Traditional and indigenous construction styles and practices that have evolved over time in certain regions or locales are referred to as vernacular architecture. It reflects the cultural, environmental, and historical aspects of a certain location. Vernacular architecture varies significantly across the globe, reflecting the numerous influences and unique qualities of different locations.  Mediterranean architecture is

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Garden City Movement: Ebenezer Howard’s Vision for Urban Utopia

Garden City Movement

Introduction An Englishman, Ebenezer Howard’s utopian urban planning idea served as the foundation for the garden city movement. The best features of both urban and rural life are accessible in garden cities. The Industrial Revolution gave rise to Howard’s beliefs, which were partly a response to the plight of London’s workers. Urban planning standards of

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