Transit Oriented Development: A Solution for Better Town Planning

Transit-oriented development

What is Transit oriented development (TOD)? Transit oriented development (TOD) is a planning and design strategy that involves promoting compact, mixed-use, pedestrian, and bike-friendly urban development that is closely linked to local transportation by adding workplaces, apartments, services, and facilities for public stops. It contains a high-quality, walkable pedestrian environment that integrates the street design.

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Astronomical Spaces: Enhancing User Experience and Unconventional Learning

Astronomical Spaces: Enhancing User Experience and Unconventional Learning Few planetariums are based on universal design; therefore, visually impaired people, old or specially abled cannot visit them. Therefore, research needs to work upon alternative mediums through which specially abled can also enjoy and benefit from these astronomical spaces. West facing house,West facing house vastu plan,West entrance vastu,West direction vastu,West facing home

Overview  A planetarium is a structure dome-like, which offers a space where people can watch the night sky. The solar system, other celestial bodies, and constellations can be witnessed closely in planetariums. Some planetariums also have telescopes through which people can look into space. Planetariums are the world’s cosmology study halls and theaters of open

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