Bhakti Kulkarni

The Learning Curve: Is Education Through Experience Important ?

The Learning Curve

Turning the rusty pages of human development, one cannot overlook the importance of learning and failing via experiences. Every civilization educates society in one of two ways: religiously or scientifically. However, without the transmission of information, humanity would have perished a long time ago. Our educational system entered the scene after realizing the significance of […]

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Hagia Sophia: An Interesting Identity Through Revolutions

Hagia Sophia

The emergence  Emperor Justinian I (reigned 527–565) erected the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, currently, Istanbul, to replace an older temple that had been destroyed also during the Nika Revolt in 532. When Justinian’s magnificent cathedral was first consecrated in 537, it immediately became a symbol of authority in Constantinople and across the globe. It was

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Xi’an Qujiang Art Center: an Interesting Cultural Sanctuary In A Glass Box  

Xi'an Qujiang Art Center: an Interesting Cultural Sanctuary In A Glass Box   Architecture shapes the society in forms of structures, art, and built. Whereas society is a collaborative form of past events documented as history and shared as a culture today. These events have shared a larger part with architecture and the public both. This collaborative involvement has led to the initiative of preservation. History is passed down in a variety of forms in various cultures. Some prefer to write it down as part of manuscripts, some use verbal skills as storytelling passes on. In some parts, the structures and archaeology hold more value. Passing on these vital to the next generation is also a responsibility shared by architecture. Hence cultural sanctuaries enter the picture.  xi'an qujiang art center,design,architecture

Xi’an Qujiang Art Center History and story of Xi’an Qujiang Art Center Architecture shapes the society in forms of structures, art, and built. Whereas society is a collaborative form of past events documented as history and shared as a culture today. These events have shared a larger part with architecture and the public both. This

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