Best 10 TED Talks for Architects

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process.

TED Talks Architecture topics range from urban innovation to the artistic beauty of structural design. This article arbitrarily identifies ten TED talks for architects are useful for architectural students, professionals and others seeking architecture. In this article, discover inspiring TED Talks for Architecture that showcase innovative designs for humanity. Get inspired by the Best TED talks on architecture, featuring ground-breaking architects from around the globe.

Table of Contents

The Architectural Wonder of Impermanent Cities| Rahul Mehrotra

Rahul Mehrotra, a renowned Indian Architect presents his fascination for the impermanent city, as he calls it, a huge temporary settlement that pops up during the Hindu festival of Kumbh Mela to house millions of devotees and the lessons that these temporary mega city teaches the world in this TED talk. Watch the TED Talks on modern architecture to see the future of cityscapes.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

Rahul Mehrotra at TED

Speaker: Architect Rahul Mehrotra 
Link to TED talk:  

It is quite astonishing to know that a temporary city possesses everything like a normal city from electricity, water supply, and sewage systems, to CCTV cameras for security with social infrastructure like clinics, and hospitals yet leaves the soil and environment undisturbed.

He explores the life cycle of this temporary city with all its elements, building materials, electricity grids, etc. to conclude that it is the ability of these settlements to be disassembled that allows the reuse of the elements and a return of the land (river banks) to the river itself.

He compares this large temporary settlement to a smaller farmer’s market that pops up on parking lots during weekends, refugee camps, slums of Mumbai, weddings, and events in cricket stadiums, circus camps, etc. He concludes that urbanism is not static, is not permanent and urban conditions are ever-evolving and are adapted depending on needs despite human affinity to permanence.

Ultimately, towards the end of this insightful talk, he expresses his learnings that it is necessary to ensure that mankind leaves minimal impact on the earth and that impermanence is above permanence. 

The Beauty of Building with Mud and Trash| Vinu Daniel

In this inspiring TED talk, Vinu Daniel straightaway gets to the point and breaks the false perceptions that hinder mud from being used as a building material amidst other modern materials today. By showcasing his projects with mud foundations, mud walls, and even mud roofs he breaks the taboo around mud being a primitive material that ties the architect to designing simpler forms. From TEDx talks architecture to TED Talk sustainable architecture, find out how architects are reshaping the world.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

Vinu Daniel at TED talk_youtube

Speaker: Architect Vinu Daniel
Link to TED talk:  

Vinu Daniel has explored the mud’s full potential in his parametric projects including Biju Mathew residence, Shikara, Chuzhi, etc. He also narrates his breakthrough, the turning point in his professional practice in 2012 when he built an eco-friendly low-budget residence with debris not only mud. For the rest of the talk, he describes how harmful waste tires, construction debris, and plastic bottles can be turned into beautiful buildings. Some of the best TED Talks about art delve deep into how design influences our lives.

Vernacular Architecture: The path to sustainability| Benny Kuriakose

Dr. Benny Kuriakose sets the tone for this TED talk, drawing attention to the fact that the Western hegemony in Architecture in India, a complete avoidance of the vernacular knowledge of construction, Indigenous building techniques, and local building materials, and an influx of the latest technologies and artificial materials into the construction industry have led to multiple problems including lack of thermal comfort inside buildings, erosion of place-identity, ozone layer depletion, carcinogenic building materials, etc.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

Dr. Benny Kuriakose at TED talk_linkedin

Speaker: Dr. Benny Kuriakose
Link to TED talk:   

He makes a bold statement based on this argument, ‘… Technology failed to find a sustainable solution in this era of climate change for many issues we are facing.. ‘, following which he narrates the success stories and relevance of Vernacular Architecture amidst climate crisis and global warming. Timber as a building material is also an important element of the discourse.

He believes revisiting vernacular architecture helps build sustainable architecture which is the need of the hour. However, he also frankly agrees that it is only afforestation that is a sustainable solution and nothing in architecture can permanently reverse climate change but only delay its effects.

Vishaan Chakrabarti: A vision of sustainable housing for all of humanity| TED Countdown

It is an interesting talk that reminds the wider audience about the expected population growth, and their subsequent infrastructural needs besides the usual carbon neutrality, net zero, and sustainability talk of the era. Architect Vishaan Chakrabarti presents the available solutions for housing to tackle the issue, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each of them eloquently.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

Vishaan Chakrabarti gave a Ted talk in Vancouver

Speaker: Architect Vishaan Chakrabarti
Link to TED talk:   

Ultimately Architect Vishaan proposes a template or what he calls ‘a goldilocks framework’ of a known mid-rise housing with solar panels atop to integrate into the existing urban network. Ultimately, he explains this well-known idea could be an efficient, affordable, sustainable, and technologically feasible solution.

The Natural Building Blocks of Sustainable Architecture| Michael Green 

Michael Green, the founder of Michael Green Architects, Vancouver presents a well-structured discourse beginning by questioning the very truth behind sustainability, sustainable building, and sustainable construction. He challenges the idea that what appears sustainable today in the construction industry is actually not so.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

Michael Green Ted Talk

Speaker: Architect Michael Green 
Link to TED talk:  

Identifying the four widely used construction materials; concrete, steel, masonry, and wood describing the deteriorating effects of the first three materials on the planet and highlighting the unavailability of wood universally despite being renewable and its ability to sequester carbon, Michael Green proposes a feasible solution of ‘Working with Biomaterials’ in order to fulfill human needs without harming the nature.

He explains his idea about this 5th material and its feasibility, fabrication, availability, and advantages in his talk. He concludes by asking the audience to observe nature, respond to its needs, and find solutions by getting inspired by nature to ensure sustainability or ensure the existence of resources for future generations.  

Towards a Circular Future in Architecture and Design| Sabine de Schutter

In this talk, the speaker, Sabine De Schutter, the founder of Studio De Schutter, an independent Architectural lighting consultancy in Berlin, and an Academician at Wismar University of Applied Sciences advocates that ‘Circularity in Architecture’ is the need of the hour as time is ripe for such sustainable solutions.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

TED talk by Sabine de Schutter_Studio De Schutter

Speaker: Designer Sabine De Schutter
Link to TED talk:  

By promoting circularity, the speaker encourages the practice of reusing, refurbishing, and repurposing in architecture. She highlights these practices and their advantages over new construction by quoting a few examples.

She challenges the existing norms and rules that hinder circularity in architecture highlighting the benefits of applying Circularity in Architecture. Applying Circularity in Architecture enhances the place-identity of the space besides making it a sustainable project however planning is required to execute circularity without a compromise in the aesthetics.

Finally, Sabine talks about difficulties in implementing circularity like the upfront costs and government rules, clients, and designers who helped in the successful implementation of circularity despite these hindrances and leaves the audience with an interesting quote ‘… I believe all rules can be broken if the project is better than the rules.

The life-changing power of designing with dirt| Ernie Wong

In this TED talk, Landscape designer Ernie Wong, presenting his perception of landscape architecture throws incidents from his personal life crafting an engaging conversation. From the beginning of the discourse, Ernie Wong clearly expresses his affinity for public spaces over greenery which made him pursue landscape architecture. According to him, landscape architecture has evolved from private landscapes for monarchs to public parks for communities.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

TED talk by Ernie Wong_youtube

Speaker: Designer Ernie Wong
Link to TED talk:  

He explains how landscape architects mitigate floods and wildfires and why they have to do so throughout the talk. He cites examples of Landscape Architecture projects that helped build communities in neighbourhoods, create place identity, enhance property value, and raise the economic development of the neighbourhood.

He concludes by stating his personal achievements corresponding to the story he told in the beginning, altering the understanding of landscape architecture as merely tulips, trees, and shrubs. TED Talks landscape architecture offers a glimpse into nature’s integration with modern urban planning.

The Power of Architecture| Bill Chomik

Architect Bill Chomik begins this TED talk by shooting a series of questions for the audience. Bill Chomik argues that ‘Great Architecture’ has the power to change lives, affect the behaviour of inhabitants, extend the lifetime of the users, improve productivity, and significantly impact human lives, throughout the talk supported by statements made by Architectural pioneers and projects designed by him and his fellow architects.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

The Power of Architecture | Bill Chomik | TEDxCalgary

Speaker: Architect Bill Chomik
Link to TED talk:  

Bill Chomik sheds light on the unfortunate gap between architecture or architects and people and advocates the need for including the common people, and the inhabitants in the decision-making and design process. This is an insightful talk highlighting what ‘Great Architecture’ is, what ‘Power’ it possesses, and how the common people can become a part of creating the ‘Great Architecture’ that highly impacts their lives. 

How buildings can improve life – Inside and Outside| Doris Sung

Architect Doris Sung throws a new perspective on glass facades and architecture in this TED talk. Besides being of benefit to the inhabitants, what do the buildings have in common for the general public, or as she calls ‘public outside the buildings’ in the city is the Architect’s question. The architect silently draws attention to this issue with a couple of questions and answers at the beginning of the talk.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

TED talk by Doris Sung_youtube

Speaker: Architect Doris Sung 
Link to TED talk:  

She asserts that building facades occupying millions of square feet in a city must be of public benefit. Architect Doris Sung throws a new perspective on glass facades and architecture in this TED talk. Besides being of benefit to the inhabitants, what do the buildings have in common for the general public, or as she calls ‘public outside the buildings’ in the city is the Architect’s question.

The architect silently draws attention to this issue with a couple of questions and answers at the beginning of the talk. She asserts that building facades occupying millions of square feet in a city must be of public benefit. She quotes examples where facades act as habitats for animals, bats, and micro-organisms, solar enclosures for water that collects and purifies water for later use, noise insulators, etc.

She then introduces the audience to smog-eating panels and self-shading window systems, the systems that she is personally working on and developing. Finally, she leaves the audience with three suggestions to make such systems from unknown to unavoidable today. The talk leaves the audience with a completely new perspective on glass facades exploring their potential that was only accused earlier of the urban heat island effect.

The TED talk sustainable design shows how eco-conscious choices can shape the future of buildings. The TED Talk sustainable architecture movement is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in eco-friendly construction.

How AI is advancing Architecture| Eda Erol

Eda Erol, founder and CEO of Poliark, in this talk unveils the unexplored unknown misunderstood potentials of AI. AI currently is understood as an aid in generating 2 dimensional rendered images, however, AI is much more. AI can design a completely editable 3-dimensional model of a project with plugins to add materials and calculate carbon emissions. A TED talk for architect explores how building with purpose can heal and empower communities.

Best 10 TED Talks for Architects Architecture evolves and is certainly better understood by research, analysis, and discourse. TED talks are one such means of propagating architectural ideas that are the need of the hour. Architectural TED talks inspire young Architects, give direction to Architectural students, and even help attract the common people towards architecture who usually stay out of the design process. Ted Talk

How AI is advancing architecture | TEDxBoston

Speaker: Designer Eda Erol
Link to TED talk:  

With AI, the design process becomes significantly less time-consuming and less painstaking for the architects. But why does it matter? The speaker Eda Erol convinces the audience by citing an imaginary scenario of a disaster that has cleared up a neighbourhood where AI would come in handy with quick solutions for rebuilding the neighbourhood and with developments even forecasting the disaster. Don’t miss the Best architecture TED Talks that feature both legendary and emerging talents in the field.