
Top 10 Must Visit Places for Architects and Observe While in a Budget

Top 10 Must Visit Places for Architects and Observe While in a Budget So, Let’s take a look at the top ten must visit places, as Architect, must have visited at least one in their lives. architecture

How many times have you come across a structure that has completely changed your ideals about buildings and Architecture? Travelling opens doors to timeless Architecture. We as Architects feel the burning need to travel. Why is that? Why do we feel the more travelled the person is the more knowledgeable about the field they are? […]

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Waste Management in India: Use of Architectural Waste in Construction Technology

Waste management in India

Waste Management in India and around the globe Waste management in India Waste generation, improper waste collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal are serious environmental challenges in India. India’s current system cannot cope with the large amount of waste generated by the growing urban population, which has an impact on the environment and public health. Challenges

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Psychology of Architecture: It’s Surprisingly Interesting Impact on Human Behavior

It’s Surprisingly Interesting Impact on Human Behavior

Psychology of Architecture is also known as Environmental Psychology. Environmental psychology is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the interplay between individuals and their surroundings. The field defines the term environment broadly, encompassing natural environments, social settings, built environments, learning environments, and informational environments. “Many people tend to underestimate the contribution of the physical environment

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