
Vastu Shastra in Architecture: An Ancient and Effective Science for Designing Spaces 

vastu shastra

Ancient Science, sometimes referred to as the “science of architecture,” is a traditional Indian method of architecture that has been employed for many years to build towns and cities that are in tune with the natural world. The foundation of Vastu Shastra is the idea that the cosmos is composed of five elements: earth, water, […]

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Vastu and Climatology: Value of Plants in creating Positive Environment

Vastu and Climatology: Value of Plants in creating Positive Environment Certain elements and plant science are also considered to be auspicious according to Vastu. Climatology plays an important role when designing a home or office and so does Vastu, this is the reason that some factors are the same in both. vastu

Vastu combines 5 important elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space, which help to create balance and harmony between nature and humans. When an individual follows Vastu, it is believed to bring wealth, positivity, and health. The Vastu is based on gravitational forces, magnetic forces of Earth and Sun, and moon directions. Certain elements

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North Facing House Design as per Vastu: A Planning Solution for 21st Century

North Facing House Design as per Vastu: A Planning Solution for 21st Century North facing house design as per vastu can be proved as auspicious for the occupants because that direction is ruled by the god of wealth, Kubera, so the house will attract wealth. Principles of north facing house design as per vastu is associated with planet Mercury, which will be beneficial for people involved in financial services and/or Entrepreneurs. vastu

North facing house design as per vastu can be proved as auspicious for the occupants because that direction is ruled by the god of wealth, Kubera, so the house will attract wealth. Principles of north facing house design as per vastu is associated with planet Mercury, which will be beneficial for people involved in financial

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Vastu Shastra Tips To Keep In Mind To Promote Positivity

Vastu Shastra Tips To Keep In Mind To Promote Positivity Vastu Shastra establishes the principles of design, measurement, land preparation, layout, spatial arrangement, and spatial geometry of houses or any building structure; sometimes combined with traditional Hindu (or even Buddhist) religious beliefs. Vastu theory provides the harmony between living space and nature. The concept of Vastu Shastra is the organization of spaces and forms in a room or a group of rooms or structures, based on their functions connected with each other, and their purpose and use. vastu

Vastu Shastra establishes the principles of design, measurement, land preparation, layout, spatial arrangement, and spatial geometry of houses or any building structure; sometimes combined with traditional Hindu (or even Buddhist) religious beliefs. Vastu theory provides the harmony between living space and nature. The concept of Vastu Shastra is the organization of spaces and forms in

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